2023 HOA Annual Meeting Minutes 092623

Minutes of Meeting of Cliffview Homeowners Association
Held 9/26/2023 – Fire Station Clubhouse 7:00 PM
(Opened for Making Acquaintances to Snacks Provided at 6:00PM)


As guests entered the Meeting Room they were invited to register with current information, phone numbers, email, etc.  Snacks and refreshments were provided by the board.


The meeting was called to order at 7PM by Kate Houston, President of the Homeowners Association, wherein she welcomed all.



Carolyn Rains then established the Quorum of seven or more members and engaged the audience in prayer which she led.


Kate Houston then welcomed all attendees, especially those who were first time participants in the Homeowners Association.


Kathy Kowalski, Treasurer of the Association, then presented the Treasurer’s Report, providing the expenses of the Association and status of dues collection.  She also provided the balance in the bank account for the association along with a proposed 2024 budget.  Kathy also reminded all present that we were in the process of creating a directory of all homeowners in Cliffview along with phone numbers, emails, etc. and that one would be provided to each family when completed for convenience purposes.  It was made clear that these directory contents will not be provided publicly anywhere.


At this time Carolyn Rains provided a synopsis of the history of the association and clarified any issues experienced along with encouragement of membership to treat John Long with the kindness he deserves based on past experiences at such meetings, and to thank him for all he has done over these years, many of them at the expense of his own personal time and effort in order to keep our neighborhood maintained and beautified.


Kate Houston then updated the audience with some serious issues concerning erosion causing holes in the yards of some members, adding to that water pipe issues.  It was determined that the PRVWSD should be approached with these issues and bring remedy because the property belongs to the State of Mississippi and all members of Cliffview Subdivision pay annual leases for these properties.


Some large tree limbs threatening the safety of certain parts were reported whereupon a motion was made to hire a tree specialist to cut the limbs and stabilize the tree for a total price of $1500.00.


For further new business, the floor was opened for election of officers for the new year. 

Upon nominations and seconds to the nominations, Kate Houston was re-elected as President, David Beasley was elected to the Vice President’s Chair which is vacant at this time, Kathy Kowalski was re-elected at Treasurer, and Carolyn Rains was re-elected as Secretary.  Members at large elected were as follows:  Bryan Houston, Angela Moudy and Ryan Dixon.


The meeting was adjourned.