Barnett Reservoir - Pearl River Valley Water Supply District
The Pearl River Valley Water Supply District is a governing entity within the state of Mississippi tasked to manage a portion of the Pearl River basin, including the Ross Barnett Reservoir area, and its watersheds. |
The REZ News
It not only carries up to date REZ NEWS, but it also has a USEFUL LINKS page that have all the Government links pertaining to our area. |
Rankin County Community Development
Rankin County Community Development Office that takes and follows up PROPERTY and COMPLIANCE COMPLAINTS in total CONFIDENTIALITY. They also manage and distribute information which relates in part, to elements of planning and community development as well as document and process storm water and property maintenance comments and concerns. |
Rankin County Government
Rankin County is one of the fastest growing counties in Mississippi. Located east of Jackson and Hinds County, the half-rural/half-urban county has seven incorporated cities. |
City of Brandon
Official city site. Includes history, education, library, officials, ordinances, departments, projects, and contact information. |
The Clarion Ledger is the home page of Jackson, MS with in depth and updated local news. |
The Madison County Journal
The Madison County Journal is a weekly newspaper serving Madison, Mississippi, Ridgeland, Canton and Flora. |